Married my One that Got Away; it's just as good as people think... better, even!
We live in Georgetown, with Riley, the Dawg of Much Shedding; and Abbey, the Head-butting cat
Currently the tech lead of a PeopleTools Upgrade and Replatforming project. Responsible for solution design, project planning, risk and option analysis, client relationship management, and co-ordinating our cloud, network, infrastructure, development, testing teams across countries, timezones and continents.
Hmm... should this be in the "fun" section instead?
Wrapping up a long stint as Infrastructure Architect and team lead in Ottawa, on largest PeopleSoft Payroll implementation in Canada
Playing with VMWare in my growing homelab, and checking out some Javascript and HTML/CSS
Riding the motorcycles when we can
Reading: "Blood, Sweat and Pixels - The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made". Harrowing tales of project management, really...
Just returned from Iceland; 9 days of camping in inclement weather, and most stunningly gorgeous natural landscapes we ever dreamed of seeing in our lives
Sarajevo Rijeka Minnesota Winnipeg Toronto Georgetown
Visiting instructor at Humber college 2013-2016, teaching project management and MS Project classes to engineers newly arrived to Canada. Tremendous fun and one of the more rewarding experiences of my life)